Weekly HTBlog
Dear Parents/Carers,
Rights of the child : May 2024 - Article 27 - Right to a good standard of living
Last week our Y4/5 were out an about in the community as they took a walk over to Beth Marsden`s studio with a view. The children had an AMAZING time and learnt lots via a range of `hands on` activities from art to allotments!
New benches on our yard
We are very grateful to Cllr. Andrew Williams who kindly purchased 3 benches for our Foundation Learners in N-Y2.
CRN Irish Open Championships
We are extremely proud of all our pupils who travelled to Ireland last weekend ,with the Ceili School of Irish Dance , taught by our very own Mrs. K. Thomas - Nursery Lead. WELL DONE GIRLS!
Dates for your diary
Please see the calendar dates below, we have many important dates for your diary.
Llanmorlais Carnival Art competition
- The theme is "Pirates"
- Two categories, under 7yrs and over 7yrs of age.
- Name, age and school on the back of each entry with a prize for the winners.
- The art work will be displayed in the Hall.
- Closing date Friday 21st June and entries will be collected from the schools.
Fancy dress Parade will begin from the Hall at 1pm with official opening at 1:30pm on Saturday June 29th. Our Choir will be performing.
Our Choir are performing at the Grand Theatre
Our choir , led by Mrs. Davies and Ms. Hopkins are busily rehearsing ( and sound FAB) for their special Primary Partner`s performance at Swansea Grand Theatre on 14th June. If you would like to purchase a ticket the link is shown here:
Partner Primary Swansea Grand Theatre
Rhythm and Rhyme for Summer term
These fun sessions are held every Thursday 10.15am - 11.15am for anyone who wishes to join.
Flying Start at our school
We have free childcare at our school for 2 year olds. This is for 2.5 hours per week at our school setting. Details of how to apply and eligibility are on our website, please see the following link:
Flying Start at Penclawdd Primary
Our final INSET day of this academic year is:
3rd June 2024
Dates for your diary:
7th - 10th May - Y6 Cycling
23rd May - Y3/4 Penclawdd RFC Rugby tournament - pm start
14th June - PPS Choir perform in Primary Partners at the Grand Theatre
19th June - Sports Day - more info to follow with details
26th June - Class photos by Roz & Kirsty
29th June - Llanmorlais Carnival ( our choir will perform) - save the date
4th July - School Summer Fayre - save the date
8th - 11th July - Transition for Y6
17th July - Y6 Leavers Assembly
19th July - last day of school for this academic year
Swansea Council Keeping Safe Online – Tip of the week
Tip twenty-six asks encourages parents/carers to consider using a child friendly search engine with their children and links to an article from SWGfL on safe search engines-click here
Have a lovely long weekend enjoy the Bank Holiday. See you all on Tuesday.
Mrs. L R-M