Summer 2024
Summer 2
We celebrated the end of our term with a ‘pop up market’ we made story beach jars to remind us of our trip to Port Eynon and we made our own Penclawdd Postcards. We also decorated delicious cakes. We sold our produce to make money so that we can get popcorn and treats for our movie day. We understand that we need money to buy items. We LOVED selling our items and making posters to show what we were selling. Da iawn! X
Humanities - we went for a walk to look at the estuary and we noticed the marsh grasses grow on water. The marsh ponies were eating the grass and they are an important part of Penclawdd. We noticed the boats on the estuary and we noticed Llanelli hills.
LLC - We have been learning all about instructions and we have made our own jam sandwiches, a fruit salad and a bird feeder up the woodland. On our walking trip we learnt how to cross the road safely. We can now follow a set of instructions and can make our own sandwiches!
Maths and Numeracy - This half term we have learnt how to make a repeated pattern using lots of different items - we can now make 3 or 5 different patterns. We have also looked at time - we know what happens next and can look look at o’clock and half past. We looked at shapes and how many sides it has and what number it has - the sharp edges are called corners.
Health and Well-Being - SPORTS DAY! It was such fun because we were running and you get fast and healthy! In PE we also learnt how to dribble the footballs just like the professionals in the Euros. In our PE we have worked on our running technique by pumping our arms. We have learnt how important to hydrate so that our bodies can get healthier. Mrs D ran a half marathon to raise funds for our class - she is SO funny! We love the Flamingo costume! We are thankful as she is nice!
LLC - Welsh - we focused on sports and learnt what sports we all like in Welsh!
‘Land A’Hoy!’ Is our Summer Term topic and we started our topic with a wonderful engaging trip to Port Eynon. We dodged the showers and did a beach clean, went rock pooling, sketched the natural landscape and of course made a crab out of the sand and rocks! We came back to school with umpteen ideas for our learning for this topic!