Autumn 2023
Autumn Term 1
In literacy, we have been studying the book Here I am. As part of our work, we wrote some free verse poetry, diaries and even created our own stories.
We started our numeracy work by looking at place value. We learnt how to round to nearest ten, hundred and thousand. We also learnt about negative numbers. We’ve just started work on addition and subtraction. We are learning how to use the column method.
Topic/ Science
Our topic for this term is Road Trip USA! We learnt about Rosa Parks as part of Black History Month. We have now finished our EPIC and look forward to starting missions.
In Science, we have been learning about electricity. We have made simple circuits and learnt how to draw their symbols. We investigated what happens to the brightness of bulbs when more are added to a circuit. We found out that they get dimmer because they share the power.
We loved our trip to Denny’s at the start of term to launch our topic. We got to eat lots of tasty foods such as pancakes, mac and cheese and burgers
This term, we also started to learn some French. We’ve learnt bonjour, salut, colours and some numbers.
In some of our PE sessions, we’ve taken part in rugby training. We’ve been lucky to have coaches from the Ospreys and WRU join us.
In October, we celebrated World Mental Health Day by having a breakfast and chat in class. Recently, we also took part in Shwmae Day.
Autumn Term 2
This half term, we've been learning about and writing explanation texts. We linked our work to our topic and explained the process of traveling on holiday by plane.
We've been learning about multiplication and division in our Numeracy lessons. We have learnt strategies such as arrays and grouping to help us solve calculations. Next term, we will be learning more about written methods of multiplication and division.
We've now finished our topic, Road Trip USA! We've learnt so much about America including; states, famous cowboys, Presidents and cities. We've also compared Penclawdd and Louisville and looked at physical and human features in both places.
One of the highlights of our topic was celebrating Thanksgiving with our grownups. We found out why American's celebrate Thanksgiving and had our own Thanksgiving feast!
Other activities
This half term, we took part in anti bullying week and learnt the importance of speaking out. We all wore our odd socks to school!
We also enjoyed taking part in Science week and designing and building our own paper planes. Some of them flew really far!
We loved our trip to the Millennium Centre in Cardiff to see Aladdin. It certainly inspired us for our own performances in our school carol concert.