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Penclawdd Primary School

Penclawdd Primary School

A happy face, a learning place, a growing space

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Summer 2024

Summer 2 ☀️
WOW!! Where did that year go! I cannot believe that this is the last time I’ll be updating our class page! We have had the best year! I have loved every minute teaching your wonderful children. I’ve smiled every single day! Thank you boys and girls for being my first Nursery class! You are amazing! ❤️

We have loved every minute of being outside while the sun was shining - and there were times when it was a little bit soggy too! We love potion making, snipping bits of lavender for our perfumes and making delicious soups to eat! The children are in their element making their own concoctions and get so excited to share them with us! 

Our writing corner is just as popular this half term which makes my heart full! I love seeing the children eager to write, draw, colour. It’s wonderful to see their imagination come to life! 

We have had a fabulous term working hard in our downstairs woodland this term! We had a planting morning with our other friends in the Flamingos and Sea lions and it was lovely to see them all working together. Thank you to our parents for donating to and supporting our area. We are going to delve into some salad sandwiches before we finish for the holidays! The children have taken great care of the plants, wanting to water them and check on the growth daily! 

We had a super successful Olympic Sports Day! Penclawdd way! The children were amazing! I was so proud of each and every one of them running, jumping and most importantly smiling! They had a great time! We have some future athletes in our Nursery! Watch this space! 

We had the most amazing day out in Folly Farm with our families! It was a lovely way to end the school year! We thoroughly enjoyed looking at the animals, feeding them and hiding from the seagulls! It was a wonderful day! 

It’s that time of year when the children move to their next class! We had a lovely morning with our children who are going to be Nursery in September! We can’t wait for more fun and adventures! So exciting! ❤️🐧

We say farewell to our older Penguins  who are going to the Flamingo Class in September! We had the most wonderful morning celebrating them with lots of singing and dancing! They are going to love being Flamingos I just know it! I will miss them dearly but I’ll only be next door! ❤️🐧

Finally, a huge thank you to you as grown ups for being so supportive this year! I have had the best time with your children - I’ve loved every moment! Thank you for trusting in me to teach and nurture them! It’s a privilege! Have the most wonderful summer and I’ll see you in September!! Diolch Mrs T, Miss G and Miss T ❤️🐧

Summer 1. 
We have had a wonderful half term! It has been so lovely to see the better weather coming in. We have been able to be outside most days, exploring the outside environment and running and playing with each other. Numbers have been a hot topic this half term, with lots of interest and questions. The children love to count and we have started counting beyond 10 which has caused a great deal of excitement. We have a fabulous song that we sing in the mornings and the children have learnt all the words and actions to go with it! It’s a firm favourite. We have also been working on recognising numbers, playing splat games and pairs. 

Our writing area has become ever so popular and it’s wonderful see different children accessing it each day. There is a define buzz about creating something, writing a story, writing their names. I just love to see the children holding a pencil, pen, paint brush and creating something that is special to them! We’ve had planets, aeroplanes, houses, hotels. We are not short of wonderful imaginations in our Penguin class ❤️🐧

We have absolutely loved being outside this half term. We have been building dens, washing cars, making potions. All of these things helping to strengthen our gross motor skills. The children have also spent time in the park which they absolutely adore! We have some strong budding gymnasts in the class! Let’s hope the dry weather continues and we can enjoy being outside more next term. 

We’ve had some additions to our class this term in terms of tadpoles!! Aww! The children have been so caring towards them, wanting to check on them daily to see if they are growing into froglets. We discussed the life cycle of a frog also and the children loved cutting and sticking their own life cycle and frogs! We had a great time getting the pond ready for the tadpoles too. The children really enjoy being outside and getting stuck in! 

Have the best half term my little penguins! 🐧 I can’t wait to hear about your adventures next week! ❤️