Additional Learning Needs
ALN at Penclawdd Primary School
At Penclawdd Primary School we pride ourselves on our strong inclusive ethos.
What did Estyn say about our ALN in November 2022?
`During their time in school most pupils, including those with additional needs and those who are vulnerable, make good and often better progress in all areas of learning.
Most pupils in Penclawdd Primary school, including those with additional learning needs (ALN) and those eligible for free school meals, make strong progress in their learning during their time at the school.
The school is preparing well for the transition to the new national additional learning needs arrangements.
Provision for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) is a strength of the school, it is well thought out, supports pupils’ needs well and greatly valued. The additional learning needs co-ordinator works well with qualified staff to provide purposeful sessions that meet the pupils’ needs, particularly in improving their communication skills. There are purposeful individual development plans for pupils, which include opportunities to review progress regularly and involve professionals, parents and pupils. The school tracks the progress of ALN pupils effectively and reports are detailed and rigorous. As a result, nearly all pupils make good and often better progress against targets in many areas of learning across school`.
At Penclawdd, we offer a range of support for a variety of Additional Learning Needs (ALN) for our pupils within mainstream classes through carefully planned learning environments, high quality teaching and intervention. We are incredibly fortunate to have excellent staff with a wide breadth of experience and training linked to ALN which we utilise to support our pupils in their learning and are committed to offering support and advice to our families. As a school we are a Person-Centred Organisation and are up to date with the upcoming changes to provision for pupils with ALN in Wales through the Additional Learning Needs Reform Act 2018. More information on this is provided below in the link.
Mr Miller is our school ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Coordinator). He is available by appointment to help and make links with families and external agencies. He also works alongside our Educational Psychologist and other therapists.
We place great emphasis on developing strong partnerships between home and school, as it is through working together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support, that we can provide what is best for our pupils. There are procedures laid down by the local education authority which are designed to help you and your child get the support needed. If you have any concerns about your child or have any questions, please phone the school to make an appointment. We are here to help. If you would like to speak to Mr Miller or visit the school please speak to Mrs Pam Beynon (in the office), who will be more than happy to make an appointment for you to visit our school. She may be contacted via the school office on 01792 850239
Further learning and training is ongoing for stakeholders with a focus on the new Code of Practice which may be found in draft form below.
Additional Learning Needs Act:
Information for parents based on changes to ALN in Wales
ALN draft Code of Practice
Draft additional learning needs code | GOV.WALES
Useful Information
My Child has an IEP. What is an IEP?
An IEP (Individual Education Plan) is sheet of targets that have been set for your child so we are all aware of what is being targeted, how your child is being targeted and by whom. At Penclawdd Primary School, we set, review and send home 3 IEPs a year. We really value parental views and parents / carers are invited to come into school to discuss the IEP and to have input regarding the targets set.
How is dyslexia targeted?
Staff have received dyslexia training and make sure that lessons, tasks and activities are dyslexia friendly and multisensory. There is lots to do, lots to see and lots to hear to cater for all learning styles. Therefore if your child is experiencing dyslexia type difficulties, their needs are being catered for in the mainstream classroom. We also use additional resources to support our children.
If you have any concerns, you are welcome to speak to Mr Miller who can advise you.
What is multisensory practice?
Multisensory practice ensures that children are given the opportunity to use a variety of senses to access the curriculum. We all learn in different ways, some of us need to listen to learn (auditory learners), some need to see to learn (visual learners) and others need to do to learn (kinaesthetic learners). By making lessons multisensory, all learners are catered for.
My child has a Speech and/or Language Problem. How is this addressed?
We have a range of early identification tools that help identify children who are having difficulty with speech and / or language difficulties. If you child is identified as requiring support, our class room TA’s are proficient in delivering Speech and Language programs . This could mean your child has additional help in school or may need a further referral to the Speech and Language Department at Central Clinic. If you have any concerns, you are welcome to speak to Mr Miller.