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Penclawdd Primary School

Penclawdd Primary School

A happy face, a learning place, a growing space

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Summer 2024

Summer 2


Expressive Arts


We celebrated RSE Day by making Butterfly hands and decorating them with symmetrical patterns and thinking about how we have changed and grown since being in this class.


We have used our oil pastel skills to create postcard designs of the Penclawdd Marsh.





We have been busy producing AMAZING Beach Art from pebbles and driftwood that we collected from our local beaches. We are going to sell our Art during a 'Pop - Up Stall' at the end of a school day. 


We have been learning how to play Happy Birthday on the Glockenspiel!


Our outdoor boat has also been painted beautifully by us all!



We have learnt about The Olympics and also how to look after our World. We designed posters to explain Climate Change and Global Warming and ways in which we can prevent this. 

Exploring global warming ….




Maths and Numeracy

We created treasure maps and used directional language to locate the treasure on our maps!


We have learnt about halves and quarters and also how to measure mass, capacity and volume. 


Science and Technology


We have been investigating how quickly objects degrade in the Ocean. We have learnt how important it is to be fair and accurate when carrying out a Science Investigation. 

Literacy Language and Communication

Instruction texts have been our focus this term and we have had fun learning about the features of this type of text. We were able to write our Science Investigation as a set of instructions. 


Health and Wellbeing

We became athletes and competed in our annual Sports Day event. Our teachers even surprised us by dressing up in animal costumes to take part in a race - it was so funny! 





Summer 1 

Health and Well Being, Humanities, Expressive Arts !

We began our new topic ‘Land Ahoy!’ with a visit to one of our many local beaches , Port Eynon. We explored the beach and rock pools , undertook a beach clean with our litter pickers, created some beach art and beach drawings, as well as had a play in the sand! Oh, and we managed to get a sneaky ice cream in too! We returned to school with many ideas for our learning this term! 






Maths and Numeracy 

We have been learning about odd and even numbers, division and time! Time is quite tricky, so we are practising it at every opportunity! 



Language, Literacy and communication;  Science and Technology; Expressive Arts; Health and Well being. 


We have been firing our imaginations through the book ‘The Legend of Black Rock’ . We wrote a mini non fiction booklet about fishing and created a digital trailer for the story! We have been so engaged with this beautiful book, that we wanted to build our own fishing boat in our garden area - it is almost complete and we have great fun role playing in it! 



Health and Well-being 

We took part in the Mini Marathon and ran for 26 minutes non stop! We have also taken part in a few activities to celebrate Mental Health Days, helping us to look after our mental health as well as our physical health!



We have listened to the story of ‘The Women of Mumbles Head’ . Some of us even went and found the plaque that has been put up in their memory! 

Our Book Trailer!

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Our IMovie Book Trailer.

Still image for this video