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Penclawdd Primary School

Penclawdd Primary School

A happy face, a learning place, a growing space

Contact us here:

  • 01792 850239

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Weekly HT Blog

Dear Parents/Carers,


Our choir were outstanding when they performed at the Grand Theatre Swansea, they shone and sparkled like their costumes!  I must say a huge well done to Mrs. Davies and Ms. Hopkins who have coached the choir and worked very hard.  Not forgetting a thank you to families who have supported us by helping with costumes. I was incredibly proud as I sat in the audience watching. The children have given up their lunch times to practice and to perfect their performance and it definitely paid off!  As the saying goes - `You reap what you sow`!  They enjoyed their special GG`s treat!


More musical news...

We are very much looking forward to taking our Year 3`s along to the BuzzAlong Bonanza at the Brangwyn Hall next Monday 19 June.

A message from the music service : `When we open the doors of the Brangwyn Hall for our wonderful cohort of Year 3 pupils and teachers we can  celebrate all they have learned throughout the year! The day is all about celebrating your achievements, making music and feeling good! Hope you enjoy this piratical adventure along with our fantastic swashbuckling big band who are going to raise the roof of the Brangwyn Hall`!


Wraparound and after school club

Some EXCITING news for our school...

We are very excited that a wrap around childcare provider will be based in our school in the next few weeks. Childs Play are a well established childcare provider with an excellent reputation.  Please see their website for more details. 

The provision will operate :  11.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday. 

Further details will follow shortly 



We note that our attendance has taken a slight dip and we are a bit disappointed with this.  Please can parents/carers make every effort to ensure children attend school everyday.  If your child has been unwell and has missed school because of this, taking additional holidays will have a huge impact on their attendance but also, in some cases makes it difficult for children to return to their usual routines of being in school.  We appreciate that holidays in term time are the only option for some families, and whilst we can authorise these holiday, unless your child has excellent attendance holidays in term time won't be authorised. 



Non School Uniform

We have an optional non school uniform day on Thursday 22nd June. Please can children bring in £1 - funds will be used to support our school.  Thanks 


Welcome to Nursery Event

On Wednesday 28th June at 1.15pm our nursery staff are holding an afternoon open event for our youngest and pre nursery children.  This will give parents/carers the opportunity to meet staff and see our wonderful nursery provision. 



Fresh fruit is delivered by GET FRESH on a weekly basis. This is proving very popular with children and it is something we would like to encourage. Please can you remember to send in 30p each day or £1.50 for the week.   We have a few I.O.U notes at the moment which isn't ideal!  Next week we have doughnut peaches and refreshing water melon. Thank you.


When to Worry About Your Worrier parent workshop - please sign up via seesaw -Wednesday 21st June 3.15pm - 4.15pm @ Penclawdd Primary School
School Hall

This parent workshop will offer a brief overview of the psychology of anxiety and worries, offering an understanding of the anxiety cycle and providing strategies for managing big worries. 

Childcare will be available for those parents wishing to attend.  Please fill out your name below if you wish to reserve a place at the workshop.

In addition, Amy Glass (leading the workshop) will be available after the session to speak to any individual parents who may have questions, 




It’s Festival Fever!

BBC Radio Cymru and BBC Radio Cymru the BBC’s  Welsh language radio stations)  is bringing you a taste of what music will be on offer at festivals, all over Wales, in the coming months! Miwsig Y Siarter Iaith is a playlist of contemporary Welsh music that you can play in your car and at home ! It’s for EVERYONE to enjoy, and it’s just one click away! Access also via the PDF, QR code or this link - 

Click, listen and enjoy!


Blue Anchor Bowls club

The Junior section run every Tuesday 4pm-5.30pm throughout the summer. All children are welcome.


INSET days remaining: 


Friday 30th June 2023

Monday 24th July 2023

Friday 1st September 2023

Monday 4th September 2023


Have a fabulous weekend. Enjoy the sun!


Mrs R-M 
