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Penclawdd Primary School

Penclawdd Primary School

A happy face, a learning place, a growing space

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  • 01792 850239

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Weekly HT Blog

Dear Parents/Carers,




Yesterday we were invited to share the work we have been doing with 2B Enterprising and our local business CK`s. This has been a super project that has enabled the Y1/2 children the opportunity to develop an array of skills including entrepreneurial mindset, confidence and team work. The children and Mrs Rees went to Morgan`s Hotel for the conference and they were AMAZING - click here ! 


Siarter Iaith silver award - well done Mrs Davies, Mrs Thomas,Ms Hopkins a Ms Griffiths


Rydyn ni`n falch iawn i gyhoeddi ein bod ni wedi ennill gwobr arian y Siarter Iaith - diolch yn fawr iawn y Criw Cymraeg am eu gwaith caled!


We are very pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Language Charter Silver Award - many thanks to the Criw Cymraeg for all their hard work!



WELL DONE to both these 2 pupils : 


SS  - We are all so proud of this exceptionally talented pupil , who represented Wales in the British finals last weekend. Less than a year ago she suffered a knee injury & has overcome this to place 6th in the British - just WOW ! Click here.


HT - We are super proud of this incredible @WestSwanseahawk rugby

player on her selection for the U11s Swansea School Girls 2023. What an AMAZING achievement . WOW! Click here.


We are incredibly proud of what you have both achieved. GO FOR IT!!


NGP RSE ( Relationships & Sexuality Education)  cluster Primary School event at Gowerton School - 4pm -5pm 

The North Gower Partnership looks forward to welcoming you at Gowerton Comprehensive School on Monday 5th June @4pm.  During the meeting, Jennifer Harding - Richards (Advisor for RSE and RVE) will be giving an overview of the RSE legislation and share the RSE code, guidance and expectations for schools. 


If you are attending please can you complete the form below by Friday 26th May.


Please click this link to access our NGP parent/carer guide.  


Please be assured that although ages are attached to each phase as a general guide (from age 3, 7 and 11), we recognise that all children develop at different rates and practitioners  encouraged to take account of everything they know about a learner’s cognitive, social and emotional development when introducing RSE strands. 



Labels for uniform - click here

We encourage parents/carers to put names on coats, jumpers etc.  We would like to recommend Stikins who produce multi purpose labels that simply stick and stay in place with no sewing or ironing required.  Please see the link below. In addition to producing a great product by quoting our school fundraising number : 15618 you will also support our school.  Thanks




Gower Timber/Robert Price donation 


Our wonderful Reception pupils called into Gower Timber last week to see if they could help them out with a donation. They are over the moon to hear that Gower Timber have donated £250 to the enhancement of their outdoor area. THANKS SO MUCH! 


Cymru Triathlon event for Year 5`s at Gowerton comp with the cluster Primary schools - Thursday June 29th 2023


We are looking forward to this fab day for our Year 5s. More info to follow. 


INSET days remaining: 


Friday 30th June 2023

Monday 24th July 2023


Have a great weekend.


Mrs R-M 
