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Penclawdd Primary School

Penclawdd Primary School

A happy face, a learning place, a growing space

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  • 01792 850239

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Weekly HT Blog

Dear Parents/Carers,


Rights of the child : June 2024 - Article 6 - Right to life and to be healthy


Welcome back after half term. We are excited about the next few weeks and have lots of lovely things planned. We are looking forward to enjoying our last few weeks with our wonderful Y6 pupils, who are now preparing for their transition to Year 7. 


Gowerton School Y5 and Y6 Open Evening - 25th June 6-8pm

Reminder - please see poster below.


School Summer Fayre

The Friends of Penclawdd are busy planning our Summer Fayre which will be held on 4th July 2024.  We desperately need parents / friends / grandparents to help run a stall.  If you could help out please can you contact the school office?  Many thanks


Swansea Grand Theatre Performance

The School Choir are performing next week at 'The Grand Theatre' Swansea on Friday. It would be fantastic to see staff and families at the Grand supporting the Choir who have worked so hard and who will dazzle on that stage with an 'ABBA' performance. Here is the link if you would like to purchase tickets.

Tickets for performance at Swansea Grand Theatre


James Hook 'Hook's Hike'

James Hook - Former Wales and British Lions Rugby player is raising money for Wales Air Ambulance by hiking 100 miles from Tenby - Mumbles.  To give him a boost on his hike Mrs D tracked him down on the Marsh road and offered him a cheer (and a malt loaf bar for extra energy) from all of us at Penclawdd Primary School.  He was wowed by our community and sent thanks to the children of Penclawdd Primary for thinking of him! Check out his just giving page 'Hooky's Hike' for more information or to donate to this great cause.  Keep an eye on his Instagram page to see Mrs D cheer him on! 

Opening of the NEW Penclawdd Playground -14th June 2024

We are excited to be part of the opening for the new playground near GG's. 

The official opening will be on 14th June 2024 and some of our older children who offered suggestions and were involved in the planning with Cllr Andrew Williams have been invited to go along for the opening.


Sports Day

We're looking forward to welcoming you to school on Wednesday 19th June for Sports Day.

Times for the Day are:-

Nursery - 9.30am
Reception - Year 2 - 10.30am
Year 3 - Year 6 - 1.30pm
Please can children wear their house colours (please Seesaw your child’s class teacher if your child is unable to help you) and suitable footwear.  In addition, please apply suncream, wear a sunhat and bring a filled water bottle.

The Friends of Penclawdd will be serving tea, coffee and scones.  


Mrs. Davies - Fundraiser

A message from Mrs. Davies: 

Please can you thank parents for their contributions ...


Diolch!  I have met the £200 target so I will attempt the half marathon in the flamingo costume! I have ordered this myself as I am sure it will come in handy sometime!!!


The £235 will make a massive impact and our young classes will be able to purchase some things for our class and outdoors for all children. Diolch! Mrs D x 🦩



Holiday Club

Child's play are running a holiday club for children who attend our school but this will be held in Crwys Primary School. If you are interested in booking a session please see the above link to complete a booking form.

Holiday club booking form Summer 2024


Nursery Open Day - save the date !

After the success of our last open day, we have one more planned this term. You and your child will have the opportunity to see our large and spacious Nursery provision and our wonderful outdoor areas. 

Please come along on Thursday June 27th at 1.30pm to meet our wonderful Nursery staff and also our super childcare staff who offer FREE Flying Start for 2yr olds (for Penclawdd post codes) , Nursery wraparound and after school care.


Clubs news this week...


🍽️After school cooking club🍽️

Our youngest cooking club enjoyed making pancakes this week.  They whipped up batter and sliced fresh berries.  Well done our mini chefs! Click here 


Rhythm and Rhyme for Summer term

These fun sessions are held every Thursday 10.15am - 11.15am for anyone who wishes to join.  


🗓️Dates for your diary

Please see the calendar dates below, we have many important dates for your diary.


14th June - PPS Choir perform in Primary Partners at the Grand Theatre

19th June - Sports Day -  more info to follow with details

25th June - Gowerton School Y5 and Y6 Open Evening 6-8pm

26th June - Class photos by Roz & Kirsty

28th June - Non school uniform - bring in an item for the tombola stall

29th June - Llanmorlais Carnival ( our choir will perform) - save the date

4th July - School Summer Fayre - save the date

8th - 11th July - Transition for Y6 and in school class swaps

11th July - End of year reports to be emailed

11th July - Nursery Penguins Graduation

11th July - Welcome to PS1 Flamingos for Nursery Penguins 

17th July - Y6 Leavers Assembly

19th July - Last day of school for this academic year


Swansea Council Keeping Safe OnlineTip of the week


Tip thirty encourages parents/carers to help their children to understand the potential for online advertising to be manipulative and links to a youtube video guide click here


Have a lovely weekend, 


Mrs. L R-M
