Weekly HT Blog
Dear Parents/Carers,
Rights of the child : May 2024 - Article 27 - Right to a good standard of living
Free school meals for every child - Reception to Year 5
Swansea Council have announced that from 3rd June 2024 they will extend FSM for all children in Year 5.
Sharing Table
The Sharing Table are continuing to join us on a Tuesday afternoon to cook with families. This term two new families will enjoy the experience as they cook with their children.
New Bankers
Congratulations to our new bankers who were interviewed today. They will now embark on a training programme to learn to become our new school bankers for September.
School Fayre
Just a reminder the school fayre will be held on 4th July after school.
We will hold an non school uniform day on Friday 28th June - please can you donate an item for the tombola stall.
If any parent/carer would like to help, please let the school office know. Thanks
Holiday Club
Child's play are running a holiday club for children who attend our school but this will be held in Crwys Primary School. If you are interested in booking a session please see the above link to complete a booking form.
Holiday club booking form Summer 2024
Mrs. Davies - Fundraiser
Mrs. Davies is running the Swansea Half Marathon on Sunday 9th June. She is raising money for her class for much needed equipment. If you'd like to make a donation this can be done on ipay or alternatively you can send money in via the school office or class.
Mrs. Davies has promised that if she raises over £200 she will do the run dressed up as a flamingo! Pob lwc Mrs. Davies
👨🍳Bwyd Abertawe/Swansea Food👨🍳
Last week we were delighted to hear that we would be featured in their Spring 24 e-news article. Bwyd Abertawe is a network of food system stakeholders within the City and County of Swansea. We also had some lovely feedback - "it's really excellent to read about the cooking and growing happening at the school". Click here to access the website. Then scroll to the bottom of the page - e news - Spring 2024.
Nursery Open Day - save the date !
After the success of our last open day, we have one more planned this term. You and your child will have the opportunity to see our large and spacious Nursery provision and our wonderful outdoor areas.
Please come along on Thursday June 27th at 1.30pm to meet our wonderful Nursery staff and also our super childcare staff who offer FREE Flying Start for 2yr olds (for Penclawdd post codes) , Nursery wraparound and after school care.
Clubs news this week...
🍽️After school cooking club🍽️
This week in after school cooking club the children chose a Turkish dish which was a favourite of one of our pupils when she lived in Turkey. Please see the pics below - well done to everyone. After half term we will have our new cohort of Y6 pupils who will have their turn.
🎼Lunchtime choir🎼
Our youngest learners are having ball learning songs from Abba - enjoy!
Rhythm and Rhyme for Summer term
These fun sessions are held every Thursday 10.15am - 11.15am for anyone who wishes to join.
Our final INSET day of this academic year is:
3rd June 2024
🗓️Dates for your diary
Please see the calendar dates below, we have many important dates for your diary.
23rd May - Y3/4 Penclawdd RFC Rugby tournament - pm start
14th June - PPS Choir perform in Primary Partners at the Grand Theatre
19th June - Sports Day - more info to follow with details
26th June - Class photos by Roz & Kirsty
28th June - Non school uniform - bring in an item for the tombola stall
29th June - Llanmorlais Carnival ( our choir will perform) - save the date
4th July - School Summer Fayre - save the date
8th - 11th July - Transition for Y6
17th July - Y6 Leavers Assembly
19th July - last day of school for this academic year
Swansea Council Keeping Safe Online – Tip of the week
Tip twenty-eight encourages parents/carers to discuss cyberbullying with their children and links to a guide on Hwb click here
☀️Have a lovely weekend ☀️
Mrs. L R-M