Weekly HT Blog
Dear Parents/Carers,
I'm sure you are all keen to find out how your child has settled into their class and how they are getting on. Although it's early in the term, we understand that feedback is important to you and have arrange for parents/carer to Meet the Teacher, please see below for details.
Meet the Teacher
On Monday September 25th classes from R-Y6 will have the opportunity to attend a 30 minute session to meet your child`s classteacher, see the classroom , learn about the expectations for the year and find out about our home/school reading.
Sessions are at :
3.25pm or/and 3.50pm
Breakfast Club
Just a reminder our FREE breakfast club starts at 8.20am. If you are early, you will need to wait for the door to open to access this club. The Rise and Shine Breakfast Club starts at 7.50am and is £2.50 per session.
Our Harvest Festival for R-Y6 will be held at Tabernacle Church on Thursday 26th October 10am. Parent`s/carer`s are welcome and will be seated upstairs.
This year we will be collecting tins/toiletries for the North Gower Food Hub.
Parents/children can bring items into school week commencing 23rd October. Many thanks for your support.
Don't forget to make sure your child has their coat with them. The weather is quite changeable and we don't want children to get wet.
Trip to BATH
We have organised a trip to Bath on Saturday 25th November, leaving Penclawdd Primary School at 8am and leaving Bath at 5pm. Parents/friends/staff are all welcome. The cost of return trip is £20 per person. If you are interested, please contact the school office to reserve your seat on the bus or complete the following form:
Calendar events
We have organised many educational class trips for children. All of which are in the school website calendar.Please help us by making prompt payments.
Nursery visit to Gower Christmas Trees December 15th 2023
Y3 - Y6 - Aladdin - Millenium Centre Cardiff -7th December 2023
Rec - Y6 INTOFILM festival Cinema visit - 8th November 2023
Y4/5 - Misty Mountains expedition- 25th September 2023 (fingers crossed for good weather)
Y6 - To visit Gowerton Comprehensive School 28th September 2023
NEXT INSET DAY - Friday 22nd December 2023
School Book Fair
We have organised a school book fair for next week. Children will have the opportunity to browse the books and make purchases.
Health Visitor Drop In
Our local Health Visitor will be holding a drop in session at the school on Thursday 16th November 2023 - 8.30am - 11.30am
MacMillan Coffee Morning Friday 29th Sept 9.30am - School Hall
Please join us for coffee and cake and help us raise money for Macmillan.
Child's Play
We are pleased that Child's Play are taking bookings and children are enjoying the activities organised by Steph and Chloe. Cooking on a Monday is proving popular! Don't forget they have taster sessions and still have places available. Please contact them directly to book a place.
Fundraising for our school
Please help support us to raise funds for our wonderful pupils by purchasing a school lottery ticket. Please sign up here.
The next draw is : 23/9/23 and the jackpot is £25,000!
Community News - Do you have any news to share with us? Let Mrs Beynon know
Have a fabulous weekend - let's hope it's dry.
Mrs R-M