Weekly HT Blog
Dear Parents/Carers,
It's been a very enjoyable and busy week. We started the week with our pupil and staff Annual Rewards Ceremony. We invited Kevin Johns to compère the event for us, and as expected he brought along lots of humour and laughs. I was also delighted Mr Howard Evans our Vice Chair of Governors could attend. We also invited Mr Andy Pudduck who attended with his son and daughter -in-law as we had a special award made in Ann Lewis-Pudduck`s name - `The Ann Lewis-Pudduck award` in the memory of our late Chair of Governors.
All of our children are wonderful but I was very proud of the children nominated by teachers for awards. Kevin Johns will join us next year when we celebrate achievements for 23-24. Well done to everyone!
Our Friends of Penclawdd school fayre was a huge success we are were lucky to have dry weather. Many thanks to our AMAZING Friends of Penclawdd who worked hard, setting up stalls and organising the event from start to finish. We raised £1082.99 which is amazing and will go will go towards our new library. Our raffle has raised £434.20. Thanks for local businesses who have supported us.
We are really pleased with the progress our pupils have made over the year and end of year reports are being finalised and will be emailed to you via your child`s Hwb email on Tuesday July 18th from 1pm.
After school club - Child's Play
Child's Play are inviting parents to come into school on Tuesday 18th July at 3.10pm to meet with them and chat about their after school childcare services. We are excited that the school is able to offer this facility to parents and hope many parents/carers are able to attend (leaflets are also available from the school office).
MacMillan Coffee Morning - Friday 29th September
We will be holding a MacMillan Coffee morning on Friday 29th September 9.30am more details to follow, but we would love you to join us and support this charity.
sQuid Account
Don't forget to ensure you pay all your outstanding areas on sQuid accounts by 21st July 2023. Thanks , Mrs Beynon.
New Dinner Money System - REMINDER
As from September 2023 Swansea LA have arranged for schools to have a new dinner money system instead of sQuid.
We will send out information regarding this as soon as we receive it.
In the meantime, please can parents ensure that they use up all credits by the end of term (21st July) and cancel any automatic top-ups.
Important message from Swansea council : Free School Meals – Payments for school holidays.
Welsh Government have confirmed that they will not be making payments to parents/carers for meals in the summer holidays or beyond. Their statement confirms that they explored a possible extension to the scheme that they previously announced would cease in May half term, but due to budgetary constraints, it was not possible for them to continue with the scheme.
We understand that this will be a concern to many families, Welsh Government have asked us to signpost the following website that provides information on possible sources of financial support for people experiencing extreme financial pressures:
Get help with the cost of living | GOV.WALES
Welsh Government are also encouraging people to contact Advicelink Cymru - Citizens Advice for free impartial advice on maximising their incomes, including accessing any financial support.
Year 6 Hoodies
Year 6 hoodies will soon be available for you to purchase from Wipeout in Ck's. Other items of school uniform can also be purchased from this shop.
Schools essentials grant available!
The scheme for the next academic year has opened. The grant is available to children and young people: eligible for free school meals (eFSM), Looked After Children (LAC)
in year groups Rec to Year 11 (as of Sept 23) Click here !
Penclawdd Park
We understand from Cllr Andrew Williams that Penclawdd Park will be under going the exciting upgrade during the Autumn. He is hoping to call in to share the exciting news with pupils as they have helped with the design.
INSET days remaining:
Monday 24th July 2023
Friday 1st September 2023
Monday 4th September 2023
Have a fabulous weekend.
Mrs R-M