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Penclawdd Primary School

Penclawdd Primary School

A happy face, a learning place, a growing space

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  • 01792 850239

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HT Weekly Blog

Dear Parents and Carers,


A week of adventures ! Y4/5`s topic is Blue Abyss so they visited Bristol Aquarium and had an amazing experience. Y6 are learning about the frozen planet , so had a super afternoon in Cardiff ice-skating. 


๐Ÿ“ฃWeekly headlines๐Ÿ“ฃ


Y3-Y6 Fruit tuck shop 

We had a wonderful delivery of fresh fruit today. This is available for 30p. Y6 pupils sell this in morning break.


World`s biggest coffee morning - fundraising for Macmillan cancer - see poster below

 Please be reminded that we have our Macmillan coffee morning this Friday 30th September at 10 am. We would be very grateful for cake donations on the day. All monies raised will be for Macmillan cancer research.We thank you for your continued support. Mrs Garcia


Christmas shoe box appeal     

Leaflets have been sent home this week explaining how we are once again supporting Tabernacle Church for this wonderful appeal. We have plenty of time to fill our shoe boxes and return to school by 28/10/22. Please remember gifts should be inexpensive, but will make a huge difference to a child`s Christmas.   


Christmas Concerts this year... 

N/R - Friday 9th December ( details to be  sent via Seesaw)


Monday 19th December (Afternoon performance - details to be  sent via Seesaw)

Tuesday 20th December ( Early evening performance - details to be  sent via Seesaw) 


Harvest this year

The children have voted to collect for : 


Matthew`s House a home in the heart of the city that offers a warm space for the homeless and most vulnerable. They have a café, showers, laundry and dignity packs available for anyone who needs one.

Our Harvest donations will support our pay-as-you-feel cafe Matt’s Café, with an essential top up of food donations. These donations are essential to keeping the charity going throughout winter.


 With the ever rising cost of living, they have seen a 30% increase in the numbers of people visiting Matthew’s House (just in the last month)! They are quickly running out of a few essential food items, but also toiletries/sanitary products, as these basics become harder to afford. To keep Matthew’s House available throughout this winter as a safe warm place, please help us to support this wonderful charity.


North Gower Food Hub

Our school supports our local food hub which operates from the Community Centre in Penclawdd. Items such as tins, toiletries etc can be donated to our school, they will be delivered directly to the centre. Donations need to be in by Monday 24th October. Many thanks.                                                                                                                                

Y6 Open Evening Gowerton

It's the last week of our guided tours for Year 6 families this week. If you haven't already booked, spaces are still available.  Visit or call 01792 873461 as soon as possible.  


A reminder that applications for Year 7 places September 2023 open on Monday 3rd October



Halloween disco (R-Y6) - see poster below .Wednesday October 26th (After School)


Friends of Penclawdd (FoP) if you can help with this event, in any way, please get in touch with Mrs Garcia,  so we can start planning. 


Attendance : Nursery - Year 6

If your child is unwell and can't attend school please can you ring/email the school office or use the link on the school website to report non attendance.  Please can parents/carers of Nursery children follow this procedure too.  The link from our school website is here.


The  Education Welfare Service (EWO) has reverted back to the pre-covid All Wales Attendance Framework, which will also include the use of Penalty Notice and Court if appropriate. Fines are to be used in only the most extreme cases, as part of a range of options and when all efforts to engage with the family have been tried and failed and where it is evident that there are no underlying reasons that are impacting upon attendance at school. 



The entry gate into school is closed promptly at 8.50am. Any children who arrives after 8.50am (e.g late/medical)  must come into school via the side entrance and be accompanied by their parent/carer. The late book needs to be signed by an adult. 


IMPORTANT DIARY DATES - Please remember to check out our website calendar for key dates this term...


September 26th - Recycling week - home and school

September 30th - World`s biggest coffee morning - parents invited ( 9-10am) 

October 3rd - Black History month

October 10th - World Mental Heath day 

October 13th - Design to Smile Fluoride Coating 

October 14th - Shwmae Day (more info from our Criw to follow via Seesaw)

w/c October 24th - Harvest celebration at Tabernacle parents invited ( awaiting Minister to confirm the date/time

October 24th/25th - Parents` evening ( more info to follow on seesaw)

October 25th  - Colorfoto school portraits for all children including younger siblings

October 26th -3.10pm-4.10pm OctoberFest Halloween disco


Recycled School Uniform shop at school

We are still need good quality items of school uniform/coats/ shoes .  If you'd like to donate any items we would be very grateful. Once we have a few items we will let you know via Seesaw the details of how you can access our free uniform shop.


Penclawdd Pennies - community bank

Our Penclawdd Pennies bankers are open for business, and savers can invest every Tuesday morning. If you'd like to join or if any family members would like to join please get in touch.   Payment can be sent in with your child.



๐Ÿ“ฃFundraising ๐Ÿ“ฃ

Our School Lottery - please support us, if you can. 

We have reached £624.00 of £1,040.00 target


We have now sold 33 tickets of our 50 ticket goal

The next drawer is October 1st. Click here for our lotto details.


Community London Trip

We have organised a day trip to London on Saturday 3rd December 2022. Leaving school at 6am and returning by 10pm. The cost is £29 per seat on our coach. Please see Mrs. Beynon for details on how to book your place! We hope to raise much needed funds for our school.



Colorfoto will visit us on 25th October 2022.  We are inviting parents who have younger children to come into school at 8.50am and have their photo taken with older siblings.  



๐Ÿ—žCommunity ๐Ÿ—ž 


Reduce, reuse , recycle - Our Eco Wombles

Dragon recycling : Recycle unwanted clothes and raise funds for our school!

Dragon Bags is a free fundraising scheme that helps schools across Wales raise funds through textile recycling. Please send in any clean, unwanted clothes in a carrier bag. Thanks to those who have supported us so far,


๐Ÿ“ฃINSET days 2022-2023๐Ÿ“ฃ


Friday 23rd December 2022

Monday 9th January 2023


Have a great week, 

Mrs R-M x