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Penclawdd Primary School

Penclawdd Primary School

A happy face, a learning place, a growing space

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Headteacher Weekly School Blog 14/01/2022

Right of the Month - Article 29 : The right to be the best you can be

Value of the month  - RESPONSIBILTY


Dear Parents /Guardians, 


We have had a super week of learning, with classes introducing their topics with such exciting hooks. 

Y2 saw seen aliens landing in our playground!! -click here

Y3/4 have been investigating different organs - click here


Masks on site

Thank you once again for helping us keep safe and wearing masks on our school grounds. If you are exempt please wear your lanyard , as this is helpful for staff.  Please could you pass this message onto anyone collecting your child. We have had a few more cases this week and we must try to keep our staff safe to avoid closing classes. 


I have sent you the updated/FAQ guidance in last weeks letter, but here is a reminder:


All schools continue to work closely with the Local Authority to closely monitor the impact on learners’ education and wellbeing. Our main aim is for learners to have face to face learning in schools wherever possible. However, inevitably, we will have to react quickly and make some key decisions at short notice, and we thank you for your understanding with such matters.



No one should attend school if they have any symptoms associated with the coronavirus. They should self-isolate immediately and book a PCR test –

The main symptoms include:

• a high temperature

• a new continuous cough

• a loss or change to sense of smell or taste.


You should also be aware of other symptoms early on, such as headaches, tiredness and general aches and pains usually associated with the flu.



My child has been identified as a close contact of someone with COVID- can they attend school/childcare?

Yes, your child can still attend school or childcare. However, we now ask that all children aged 5 to 17 years old (as well as vaccinated adults) identified as a close contact of a positive case to take lateral flow tests every day for 7 days. This is known as ‘Daily Contact Testing’. Tests should be taken before they arrive at school each day. These individuals do not need to self-isolate unless they have a positive lateral flow test and/or develop symptoms. If they have a positive lateral flow test and develop symptoms, they should self-isolate and book a PCR test as soon as possible. However, if they have a positive lateral flow test without symptoms, they are no longer advised to have a follow-up PCR test to confirm the result, unless they are in a clinically vulnerable group, but will need to self-isolate for 7 days and have a negative lateral flow test result on days 6 and 7.


Someone in my household has coronavirus symptoms or has tested positive for coronavirus. What should I do?

If someone in your household has coronavirus symptoms or has tested positive for coronavirus, you should follow the latest guidance.

All over 18s who are fully vaccinated (having received two full doses of an approved vaccine) and children aged 5 to 17 are now asked to take lateral flow tests every day for 7 days if they are identified as a contact of a positive COVID-19 case. We recommend those undertaking Daily Contact Testing take their test before they arrive at school each day. These individuals do not need to self-isolate unless they have a positive lateral flow test and/or develop symptoms. If they have a positive lateral flow test and develop symptoms, they should self-isolate and book a PCR test as soon as possible. However, if they have a positive lateral flow test without symptoms, they are no longer advised to have a follow-up PCR test to confirm the result, unless they are in a clinically vulnerable group, but will need to self-isolate for 7 days and have a negative lateral flow test result on days 6 and 7.


Unvaccinated adults identified as a contact of a positive COVID-19 case must isolate for 10 days. They should now take a lateral flow test on day two and day eight instead of a PCR test. Our position on children under 5 years old remains unchanged - they are not required to self-isolate or test as contacts but we advise that they remain at home if they are unwell.


I have previously tested positive for COVID-19. Do I still need to test as a contact?

We do not recommend that people use PCR tests if they have been confirmed positive via a PCR test in the last 90 days. Those aged 5-17 and fully vaccinated adults should still use the LFD tests for 7 days from when a household member has tested positive, even if they have previously had Covid in the last 90 days.


Regular Testing

How often do I need to take a Lateral Flow Device test?

All staff and secondary aged learners are advised to take a LFD test three times a week and report the results.

Where do I report my result?

It’s important to record your test result as soon as you can, whether it’s positive, negative, or void. You can report your results on or by calling 119. It means new outbreaks are identified and we understand how the tests are being used.


If you have any questions, please contact us.  We all need to reach a sensible and balanced approach to ensure our pupils and staff are as safe as possible. 


Weekly Headlines


Home learning agreement - Penclawdd NEEDS YOU!  Please click here to watch

Our pupils deserve the best we can offer in terms of learning, and for this to be most effective, we need your help.  We know that Covid has had a huge impact on pupils' readiness to learn.  We need to further develop pupils' positivity towards learning as well setting high expectations of themselves.  Please help us to help your child by agreeing to the expectations for home learning set by your class teacher.  Together we can develop the skills of "how to learn" to embed independence and positive attitudes to learning. This term homework will be set on Teams. Please see your class newsletter for further information


Our School Lottery 

We launched our new fundraiser in December.  Please support us with just £1 per week, as this makes a huge difference to the resources and opportunities we can offer our pupils.   Please ask your relatives and friends to support us too! Thanks to our families who have already purchased tickets. You could even win a forest holiday this term - see here for info.

For more information on our lottery click here. 


NON- School uniform day

Our next fundraising day is Friday January 29th. Please support us if you can , by donating a £1. All monies raised are for resources/ equipment for the children.


Power down day - 2nd February 2022

More information to follow from our Eco Wombles!


After School Club

As a North Gower Partnership, we will review the decision to postpone club regularly.  We really hope to resume as soon as we can. 


INSET days/Extra bank holiday - reminders

These dates are below. We have 1 more INSET day to take - we will notify of you this date shortly.


School calendar - on the website

Please click here for all the dates you need! This is updated regularly.


Thank you for all your support.

Have a great weekend!


Mrs R-M x