Headteacher Weekly Blog
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we come to the end of this Spring term, I would like to express my gratitude to all our families for their continued support. We’ve begun to ease back slowly into the rhythm of school life as it was pre-COVID with welcoming parents back onto the school grounds this week, for the Toy Sale, and the wonderful Foundation Phase Easter Bonnet parade - WE LOVED seeing you all. As always , I am very proud of the children’s endless resilience and always modelling our values.
COVID-19 updates
As you are aware the Director of Education wrote to parents this week to inform of the key changes after Easter.
"I want to provide you with a short update as we approach the end of the Spring term and enter the last term of this academic year. First of all, I want to thank you for your continuing support. These past two years have been enormously challenging for you, your children, teachers and all staff connected with our schools. Your assistance has been key in ensuring education services have been there for our young people during the pandemic and now, as we move on from it. The last half-term has once again put extra pressure on our schools who have worked hard to ensure face-to-face learning continues as far as possible, despite staff shortages across many our schools. As officers, we see daily the effort that goes in from headteachers and their staff to keep our learners on site and I thank them for all they continue to do. The Welsh Government has confirmed that as a minimum, a face covering should continue to be worn by secondary aged learners/ staff when moving around communal areas. This requirement will be reviewed by the Welsh Government after Easter. The Local COVID-19 infection control decision framework for schools sets out arrangements for the delivery of learning in schools and enables us to tailor interventions to reflect local risks and circumstances. I am pleased to confirm that for the return of pupils after Easter we will move to operate at a LOW alert level. In practical terms, this would place schools in a similar situation to the general public. It is important we continue to wash our hands regularly and get the vaccine when offered. Please remember, if your child has any of the three key symptoms, please do not send your child to school, they should self-isolate and take a lateral flow test (LFT). You can order LFTs online or call 119 between 7am and 11pm (calls are free). They should continue to self-isolate until they get their LFT test result".
📣Weekly headlines📣
Easter at Penclawdd
The children really enjoyed the visit to Tabernacle and listened beautifully to the Easter story. We`d like to thank our friends at Tabernacle for our gift and cake.
Well, the Nursery, Reception and Year 1 Easter bonnets were spectacular ! The staff and children loved seeing the grown- ups !
The Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 decorate an egg/design an egg scenes were EGGCELENT!! - WELL DONE ALL !!
St David`s Day winners 2022
Criw Cymraeg, Welsh winners and team Gwynor members met , received their cup and medals and proudly paraded the trophy around to show all classes! GWYCH!!
📣Fundraising 📣
Penclawdd Primary tea towel
We only have a small number left!! PLEASE CONTACT MRS BEYNON ASAP if you are interested in purchasing a tea towel for £5.
Our School Lottery - please support us, if you can.
There is currently the chance to win a £500 bike voucher - see here for our lotto details.
The next drawer is 9th April. Thanks for your support.
Next draw prizes
£25,000.00 JACKPOT
£12.30 Guaranteed Prize (this will go up as tickets are sold)
CK`s support !
We were so happy to have been nominated and to receive a week`s supply of banana`s for the children. We went BANANA`s at playtime !!!
Sponsorship ! Bumbles of Honeywood with 2B Enterprising
WOW!! We have been sponsored by CKs (£1000) to be gifted the `Bumbles of Honeywood` programme. This programme is an exciting opportunity to develop entrepreneurial skills in the classroom, particularly in Foundation Phase. The series of books , digital resources and activities are based on a Bee (such a diverse enterprising creature) and his friends and a suite of activities that focuses on teaching children to be ambitious, capable, and enterprising young people of the future. WATCH THIS SPACE!
🗞Community 🗞
The Rights Ambassadors Penclawdd Pop- Up fundraising Toy Stall
On Thursday April 8th our community helped to raise money for Caitlin (Bobby and Harry’s sister), to travel to Uganda, to volunteer on a project to build educational and play equipment. WE RAISED £200 !!!! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT.
📣Remaining INSET days📣
Friday July 8th 2022
May Day Bank Holiday - Monday May 2nd 2022
Extra Bank Holiday for the Queens Jubilee is on Friday April 29th 2022
💫Staff thanks
We have the most fabulous , dedicated staff who deserve a GREAT BIG SHOUT out. Over these past 2 years (since the start of the pandemic) they have have been incredible. They deserve a lovely , restful Easter break.
I hope you are all able to have a well-deserved break and that the children return after Easter reenergised and ready for the exciting summer term we have planned. We have a great deal to look forward to and celebrate together.
Have a wonderful Easter/Pasg Hapus,
Mrs R-M x