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Penclawdd Primary School

Penclawdd Primary School

A happy face, a learning place, a growing space

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  • 01792 850239

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Headteacher Weekly Blog

Dear Parents/Carers


We hope you had a lovely half term. Let’s hope the spring shines this term. This half term we will be celebrating St David’s Day and Easter. The Friends of Penclawdd are currently organising an Easter raffle and a quiz night down in the rugby club - more info to follow. 


Our Magical Melody Choir go to the Brangwyn ! 

We will be joining our cluster schools for a  special celebration at the Brangwyn Hall on March 27th 2023 at 6.30pm. Tickets will be on sale shortly. Letters to choir members have been distributed today.


Parents` evening week

This commences on Monday 13th March - your classteacher will be in touch via Seesaw to arrange.




An important message from our local policing team 


Are electric scooters illegal in the UK? 

It is currently illegal in the UK to use a privately owned electric scooter on public roads, pavements or cycle lanes. Electric scooters can only be legally used on private land with the permission of the landowner. You are, however, legally entitled to buy, sell and own an electric scooter. 

In UK law, an electric scooter is classified as a “powered transporter”, alongside products such as hoverboards, “go-peds” and powered unicycles. 


What are the potential consequences of using an e-scooter on the road or pavement? 

Riders risk a £300 fine and six points on their driving licence if they choose to ride an electric scooter on a public road, pavement or cycle lane. Other penalties and offences include: 

  • · Riding on a pavement: £50 fine 

  • · Riding without the correct licence: up to £100 fine 

  • · Riding through red lights: £100 fine and possible penalty points 

  • · Using a mobile device while riding: £200 fine and six penalty points 

  • · Driving under influence: you face court imposed fines, a driving ban and possible imprisonment 

Remember: any person who uses an privately owned e-scooter on a public road is committing a criminal offence and can therefore be prosecuted. The use of an electric scooter in an antisocial manner in public could lead to the vehicle being seized under section 59 of the Police Reform Act. 


March 1st 2023 - our Twmpath evening


Criw Cymraeg would like to invite you and your family to join us for an evening of Welsh folk dancing, leek and potato soup and of course Welsh cakes!  We have a wonderful Welsh Folk band joining us,‘Coppercaile’, they have a great reputation of fine folk music and they will teach us the traditional folk dances of Wales. We would love you to come with your family to dawnsiau and enjoy some scrumptious bwyd! Please support us on St David's day and make it a joyous celebration of our Welsh culture.

This is a non profit occasion - we are selling family tickets for £5 to include music, dancing, soup and welsh cakes.  

Wednesday 1st March
Penclawdd Primary School

Please complete the form sent home , to order your tickets.  Please return by February 17th. Please send ticket money into your class teacher labelled 'Twmpath Tickets'.

Diolch, Mrs D a Criw Cymraeg


World Book Day - March 2nd - see poster below

Ready to read day...

Wear your pjs, or something that makes you feel comfortable that you like to read in and if you`d like you can bring a book.


Let`s Talk with your baby sessions at Penclawdd Primary

Sessions commence April 20th 

This is a playful 6 week course designed to help  develop the early communication skills of babies aged 3 - 12 months - please ring Mrs Beynon.


Dates for forthcoming events are on our website click here - but please note:



14th February 2023 - Awareness raising of juvenile arthritis 

14th February 2023 - Plantasia visit Y3/4

15th - 17th February 2023 - Y5 and Y6 Urdd Residential in Cardiff

1st March 2023 - St David's Day celebrations/ evening Twmpath

2nd March 2023 - World Book Day - see Seesaw for details

13th March 2023 - Parents` evening week 

31st March 2023 - Y3/4 are off to Longleat joined by Reception class

31st March 2023 - 6-8pm FoP Quiz night at Penclawdd Rugby Club 


Next INSET day - Friday April 28th 2023



Have a great weekend, 

Mrs R-M 
