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Penclawdd Primary School

Penclawdd Primary School

A happy face, a learning place, a growing space

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  • 01792 850239

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Headteacher Weekly Blog

Dear Parents and Carers,
What a fabulous week we had in class ! All classes have been very busy.
Our Urdd birthday celebrations 
We loved celebrating Mr Urdd`s birthday and being part of the two world records !!! BENDIGEDIG PAWB!
Please click here
Dydd Santes Dwynwen
As ethically informed citizens with the right to speak our own language we also enjoyed celebrating this special day in school. St Dwynwen is the Welsh patron saint of lovers, which makes her the Welsh equivalent of St Valentine.
Click here
Daily mile
We love keeping fit and healthy and all classes enjoy our daily mile. Reception/Year 1 wanted to measure their distance today. Mrs Thompson said -  `The children's endurance and perseverance was amazing!` - see picture below

Weekly headlines

As updated by Welsh Government the Covid alert level reduced to zero level on the 29th January .Schools are advised to keep all existing restrictions in place until after half term. Therefore, after half term we will revert to hometime for all classes at 3.10pm, via the one way system.
We have a few staff off this week, so please be patient when contacting the office as I am trying my best to multi-task! Please leave a message if needed ,and I will get back to you.
We are really looking forward to making plans for the second half Spring Term and the Summer Term.  We are hopeful that  we can soon be announcing arrangements for some of our whole school events, but will remain cautious as we do not wish to raise hopes, and then to disappoint our families and children.   
Parents' Evening Spring term 2022
The dates for this are :
N- Y2 : March 21st 
Y3 -Y6: March 28th 
For this term , these will take place over the telephone. As we only have 2 lines we are spreading these appointments over 2 weeks. Your classteacher will be in touch via Seesaw to arrange. In the summer term we are looking forward to offering parents a face to face appointment to discuss the end of year report.
Fund raising
Thanks to our amazing community who supported our non-school uniform day. We raised £130. We have spent this money on buying a new plastic shed for the forest, which will store all our gardening equipment. This will be used by ALL classes. See pic below.
After School Teacher led Club
As promised, we said we will review this, and feel that we can re-start after half term - w/c 28.2.2022.  By then we hope that Covid will be more under control, and also the nights will be lighter and the weather warmer.  Obviously we will keep this under review, but we hope to resume on the first week after half term. Class bubbles will remain in place for clubs, until, further notice. Please look out for a Seesaw from your classteacher with the club details.
Local Area Co-ordinators (LACs)
We have a new LAC : Brian Farr , who is available to help and support our families with a wide range of issues.  We have created a page on our website with more information.  Please signpost anyone you know in the area if you feel they may need support.  In addition there is information regarding the North Gower Food Bank which can support anyone with short or long term financial difficulties. 
Year 6 Transition Days
Gowerton Comprehensive have planned 4 transition days between the 11th and 14th July.  Fingers crossed these will go ahead as planned and the pupils will have a great time meeting their new peers.   
Dydd Miwsig Cymru / Welsh Language Music Day - Friday Feb 4th
Our Criw Cymraeg would like us all to wear something red/coch, green/gwyrdd and white/ to celebrate this fab event. 

Community news

Good luck to Ella and Halle who are travelling to Liverpool on Saturday, for the U11 girls semi-finals! ⚽️⚽️⚽️ 🦢


Staff well-being

As a school we really value our hard working staff. This week Team Penclawdd are all working incredibly hard , due to staff absence. On a weekly basis our staff can win a small treat. Last weeks winner was Mr Andrew . He really enjoyed his healthy treat! 

Thanks for your support. 
Mrs R-M x