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KS2 apps

  • Campau Cosmig 1 A series of sixty plus mini-games in Welsh designed to teach and improve Welsh vocabulary and skills. Cyfres o dros chwedeg o gemau yn Gymraeg wedi eu datblygu i ddysgu a gwella geirfa Cymraeg.

  • Hapus 1 a 2 This App provides lessons teaching school pupils how to talk about their holiday.


  1. hAPus 1
  2. hAPus 2
  3. Campau Cosmig
  4. Campau Cosmig 2
  5. Codi Hwyl
  6. Guto Nyth Bran
  7. Sillafu (Spelling)
  8. Brawddegau (Sentences)
  9. Amser (Time)
  10. Anagramau (Anagrams)
  11. Dewi Sant
  12. English Welsh Translator
  13. Offline English Welsh Dictionary
  14. Geiriadur Gorau Saesneg Cymraeg
  15. Ap Geiriaduron